Happy Sunday, nature and beauty lovers!
Sunday is the perfect day to pamper yourself, but also to organize the upcoming week and set new goals. My main goal is to provide you with natural health tips each week so we can enjoy the benefits of natural beauty together.Coconut oil is one of the most magical and effective natural ingredients I have ever used. I cook with it, I eat it raw and moisturize my skin with it before any other pharmaceutical lotion. However, its benefits do not end there. I swear coconut-oil makes me smile while it whiteness my teeth!
People have constantly asked me how I keep my teeth so white-looking and my answer is always the same. Now, since I know I am not the only one who lives for coco-nut oil, I have gather the best posts explaining my natural dental health method for a happy, beautiful smile.
1. Oil Pulling, by @Rawvana:
Oil Pulling is an ancient technique for dental health that I have being practicing from about 3-4 years. It basically consists on pouring a spoon of raw, coconut oil (or any vegetable, organic oil but I TRULY recommend using coconut) and rinsing it inside the mouth for up to 20 minutes. You should do it first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking water. You should also spit the oil in the trash can, not in the sink because the oil will clogged it.
Yovana Mendonza, known as Rawvana, is an Mexican-American Youtuber who shares vegan receipts and natural beauty secrets in her channel. She promotes the benefits of vegan, raw eating and constantly remind her followers of the power of raw fruits and veggies into the human's health. Next, she shares a dental-health technique we both use to whiten our teeth and of course it involves coconut-oil.
I recommend you to use those 20 minutes of silence to meditate, reconnect with yourself and send positive vibes for the day awaiting.
2. Improve your general health through coconut-oil pulling, by Dr. Axe:
Before, I said you can do oil pulling using any type of organic, raw vegetable oil. True. Actually, the first practitioners started using sesame oil. Different oils will produce the same toxin-absorbent effect we are looking for. However, coconut-oil has so much other benefits for our health compared to conventional oils, so it only seems appropriate to use it. Also, it has the best taste from all.
Source: https://draxe.com/oil-pulling-coconut-oil/ |
If you want to understand better how gargling coconut oil will greatly improve your health and of course whiten your smile, I will recommend Dr. Axe's article about oil-pulling benefits and his 'how-to' guide.
Believe me, you want something pleasant if you will taste it every morning during 20 minutes.
3. Brush the oil-excess on your teeth with more coconut oil
After oil-pulling in the morning, you will feel your breath refreshed but you will probably still will like to brush your teeth. You are ought to do it, though, as soon as you finish to remove the oil-excess from before. You have to make sure to spit and NEVER SWALLOW the oil because it has the toxins and bacteria added to it. So, after oil-pulling you should spit it in the trash and brush your teeth, gums and tongue widely.
Yes, I brush the oil, dirty coconut oil off my mouth with more coconut oil. Since it is not toxic and actually really good for you to consume daily, I started using my own coconut-oil-based toothpaste which other ingredients usually vary from organic turmeric, baking soda or Himalayan pink salt.
Here, the people from Simple Green Smoothies created a very similar recipe to mine, which is really easy to make and you will only need 4 ingredients: coconut-oil, baking soda, essential oils and Stevia (if you have a sweet-tooth). Check out the recipe and read the full story here.
I have to add that twice per week I brush my teeth with just mixing a baking soda + water paste, especially to remove plaque. I only do it once or twice per week because pure baking soda it can debilitate teeth enamel if used in excess.